Kayak More Tomorrow has been consistently on the cutting edge of the outdoor travel industry and our model for doing business is proving to be the perfect mode for the outdoor travel industry during these unprecedented times – our philosophy of private small group travel with your own personal Tour Leader is particularly well-suited to these unusual times.
A tour we think you'll love
Sea Kayaking Norway is a great trip for these challenging times!
In today’s world, our style of travel is more resonant than ever – paddling, hiking, and biking in wide open beautiful spaces, far from crowds and off the beaten path in your own private group and with your own personal Tour Leader. No bus tours here: our trips have always been small, offering plenty of opportunities to socialize without being squeezed together.
However, when we are all back and getting out there, we will not be satisfied with the “business as usual” idea. We are looking at every aspect of how we run our trips, with the overall focus being the safety and comfort of our guests.
Here is a brief outline of the extra precautions we have already put in place:
1. Food Preparation
All our Tour Leaders are trained in food handling safety and in addition, will be receiving enhanced training on WHO safety guidelines. This year, they will also be wearing gloves and face coverings during food preparation.
2. Equipment & Vehicles
Every piece of gear that needs it will get a daily cleaning, as will all common surface areas in our vehicles.
3. Hotels
We have carefully selected the hotels on our trips because of their high standards of quality. We are asking all our hotel operators to abide by an enhanced safety protocol for cleaning and physical distancing.
4. Face Coverings (2020)
We recommend that all guests bring their preferred face coverings, whether they are stylish patterned buffs, face masks, or simple bandanas. We will have a small supply on hand if you forget.
5. Staying Informed & Keeping You Up to Date
We’re always monitoring what is happening in the world and how it impacts our trips. The COVID crisis is no exception. The latest recommendations from the WHO, along with local authorities where we travel, are guiding our decisions now and into the season. We will communicate any pertinent information related to your departure by email, so you are always in the loop.
There is plenty more we could say about the groundwork we are laying for our return to leading trips, but for now, we simply want to say that we are looking forward to having you join us for an adventure, and we hope you’ll find that an adventure with Kayak More Tomorrow is the perfect way to celebrate getting out of the house.
Booking a Future Trip
*Note* As we have learned over the past few months, what makes sense today may not make sense tomorrow. Please understand that we reserve the right to make changes without prior notice due to this very fluid and unpredictable situation.